Cave Report Form × Preview … Your Name* Your Email* Your Phone* Your Address* Reported by* Date Reported* Cave Name County* Topo Quad UTM-N (meters) UTM-E (meters) Latitude Degrees Latitude Min Latitude Sec Longitude Degrees Longitude Min Longitude Sec Elevation (feet) Static Content(If you can provide a copy of a topo map with the entrance highlighted, we can determine the UTM coordinates for you.)Number of Entrances Was Entrance Opened by Digging?YesNo Entrance Appearance Was Air Movement noticed at the Entrance or in the cave?YesNoCave Length Cave Depth Surveyed or Estimated? Exploration/Survey Complete (for now) or Ongoing? Has digging gained access to additional passage?YesNo Is the map completed?YesNo Map drawn by & date?Landowner Name Landowner Address Landowner PhoneDoes the cave show any signs of vandalism or pollution?YesNo Is the cave threatened in any way?YesNo If the cave is the threatened or vandalized, please describeWas there any biology observed?YesNo If so, please describe any flora or fauna observed Did you notice any warm or cold air traps in the cave?YesNoIn which rock type is the cave developed? (limestone, dolomite, etc.) Does the cave have large rooms or chambers?YesNo What are the approximate dimensions? Cave Description PREV NEXT PREVIEW RESET SUBMIT